10 Biggest WWE Royal Rumble Disasters

4. Mr. McMahon Wins The Royal Rumble - 1999

batista royal rumble

Though it took place during the height of the Attitude Era, the 1999 Royal Rumble match sometimes gets a bad rap for being overbooked. That and the fact that Mr. McMahon, of all people, ended up the victor.

Not only that, but he did so after entering the match at no. 2, lasting a grand total of 56 minutes and 38 seconds. Although, those numbers don’t quite tell the whole story.

A wacky match began with McMahon and Stone Cold Steve Austin brawling in the ring, but before long the action had spilled to the backstage area. From there, Austin was bizarrely attacked in a women’s bathroom and while that allowed McMahon to eventually return to the fray, he opted to sit in on commentary rather than getting back into the ring.

It wasn’t until the final few minutes that McMahon actually stepped back through the ropes, where he took advantage of an interference from the Rock to dump an unsuspecting Austin over the top for the win.

The match itself had been kooky enough, but for a non-wrestling authority figure to win the Rumble outright was the ultimate slap in the face.


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