10 Biggest WWE Royal Rumble Disasters

2. Murphy’s Law - 2005

batista royal rumble

As the old adage goes, anything the can go wrong will go wrong, and that much was proved in the closing moments of the 2005 Royal Rumble.

First off, the actual finish to the Rumble match saw Batista and John Cena, the final two, eliminate each other at the same time, leaving us without a clear winner. This was not in the script.

Credit to the referees here, because their on-the-spot improvisation had many wondering if this really was a botch or if the double-elimination had been part of the plan. Either way, clarification was needed, which is where Mr. McMahon came in.

Storming to the ring, in a rage that was probably 50% in-character and 50% genuine, McMahon slid into the ring – though that was as far as he got. McMahon was unable to stand having somehow torn a quad, prompting a lengthy tirade from a seated position as he demanded the match be restarted.

Luckily, the restart went off without a hitch, though McMahon had to be helped to the back off-camera, where his no-selling of the injury allegedly led to him tearing a quad in the other leg. Surely the most unfortunate series of freak accidents the company has ever had to endure during a live PPV.


Elliott Binks hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.