10 Bold WWE Predictions Before 2024 Ends

7. There’s A PLE-Level Raw In December

Roman Reigns Sami Zayn

Remember that point about 2024 having just three main roster PLEs left in the year? That covers October (Bad Blood) and November (Crown Jewel then Survivor Series). Meanwhile, poor December has been rather fittingly left out in the cold. Not very festive of you, WWE. Merry Christmas, ya filthy animals!

Things get even more interesting upon realising that there won't be a PLE in January either. The Royal Rumble has moved to 1 February 2025, which means WWE will go two full months without putting on a pay-per-view level show. The creative team won't be breathing a sigh of relief about that, 'cause they'll have to ramp it up on weekly TV instead.

One solution is holding a PLE quality episode of Raw in December and possibly one in January too. The good news is that this will sign Raw off from standard telly (before the Netflix jump) with a bang. Fans will be treated to some seriously big time matches on that festive-themed show.

No more cornball guff before Xmas, hopefully. Hooray!


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.