10 Bold WWE Predictions For 2024

8. Ricky Starks Jumps Ship

Triple H AEW Trios Titles

‘Absolute’ Ricky Starks has been a member of the AEW roster since June 2020 when he answered Cody Rhodes' open challenge for the TNT Championship. Since then, he has had his fair share of ups and downs in the promotion.

His five-star match against Bryan Danielson and exceptional promo showdown with CM Punk are two of his notable high points. However, he has had his share of disappointments too. He was left off of the historic ‘All In’ at Wembley in 2023, and Punk’s untimely departure after that show left him in a bit of a void on AEW programming. With these things all considered, it’s fair to understand why Ricky Starks might enjoy a change of scenery.

He was spotted backstage at the Royal Rumble in 2023, which was won by his close friend Cody Rhodes, and this sparked rumours of a potential move. Since then, there has been strong speculation that WWE are interested in signing Starks when his contract comes to an end.

Although there is no specific timeline being reported for his contract expiry, it wouldn’t be out of the question to expect a WWE appearance for Ricky Starks before the end of the year.

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A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.