10 Bold WWE Predictions For 2024

4. WWE Introduces Their Version Of Trios Championships

Triple H AEW Trios Titles

Over the past 18 months, WWE has seen a resurgence of factions and stables. Groups such as Imperium, The Judgment Day and the LWO, just to name a few, have risen to prominence and featured on every episode of WWE’s weekly programming, in one way or another.

With only one set of Undisputed Tag Team Championships, it could be suggested that these factions should have a set of Trios (or 6-man) Championships to chase moving forward. The Street Profits & Bobby Lashley, Alpha Academy, and even teams like Indus Sher could use a Trios Championship run to develop their stables and shine a spotlight on them that previously, might have been unattainable.

Perhaps this is a more unrealistic prediction than many of the others on this list, but it is one that could provide a new lease of life for many of the factions in WWE throughout the year.

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A freelance writer with an avid interest for film, tv and professional wrestling.