7. Rousey Turns Heel, Aligns With Paul Heyman

The following night, Rousey comes out on Raw to explain her actions. She says that she's conquered UFC, she's conquered Hollywood, and now she's here to conquer WWE. Her repeated use of the word 'conquer' makes it obvious where this is going, as she rips off her jacket and reveals her famous 'I'm A Paul Heyman Girl' T-shirt, as her new advocate makes his way to the ring. Heyman's alignment with superstars only works if they're already over. Brock Lesnar and CM Punk worked really well with him, whereas Ryback, Cesaro, and Curtis Axel all felt forced and obvious. Ronda Rousey is a legitimate fighting champion, and a HUGE draw no matter where she goes; she doesn't need Paul Heyman (and Paul Heyman certainly doesn't need her either) but the two together become unstoppable. She explains that she turned on The Rock so that she could be seen as a real threat; how many people out there can claim to have conquered both The Rock and Triple H in one night? This is her stating her fighting intentions to get to the top of the WWE women's division (never let her say the word 'divas'), and it started with getting away from the guy who was only going to hold her back and use her to fight his own battles. Having seen what Heyman had done for Lesnar's career, she decided she needed an advocate herself, and declares herself as the newest client for the former ECW owner.