10 Booking Steps For WWE Raw (Jan 18)

10. Roman Reigns Calls Out Brock Lesnar

It's a good thing that WWE have moved Roman Reigns away from filling the 'happy go lucky' babyface role, which was never a character that suited the tattooed star. In 2015, the company seemed determined to shoe horn Reigns into simply becoming another John Cena, but fans rejected the idea outright. He's a much more straight-forward character now. Fans enjoyed Roman's beast-like domination of Triple H at TLC. They've also been cheering his performances more generally, fan responses seem louder now that Reigns isn't cutting embarrassing, WWE-style comedic promos. Last week on Raw, he was taken out by Brock Lesnar, and the WWE Champion shouldn't take that lying down. It would be quite the hot opening to the show if Reigns came flying out from the crowd and challenged Lesnar to come and meet him like a man. This would even accidentally play into the hands of Vince and Stephanie McMahon, who would rub their hands with glee at the prospect of their nemesis being so brazen towards such an intimidating threat.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.