10 Brilliant Wrestling Matches With Seriously Disappointing Endings
8. Bret Hart Vs. Shawn Michaels - Survivor Series 1997

Let’s not dwell too long on the finish, because it might be the most famous in wrestling history. Michaels locks Hart in the sharpshooter, Earl Hebner rings the bell, Bret is cheated out of his title and leaves for WCW under a dark cloud (after punching Vince McMahon). The Montreal Screwjob is a tale well told.
What’s less well remembered, however, is just how good the match was up until the sour finish. The Hitman and HBK were near the peak of their powers here and their in-ring chemistry masked real life antipathy, but this was a different kind of match to some of their other encounters.
It’s a genuinely bad tempered affair, and the paranoia in the air ramps up the tension in a big way. It’s a brawl rather than a technical masterclass, which is appropriate given the pervasive atmosphere of discontent.
It’ll always be more famous for that finish, and the sheer nastiness of the moment can make it a difficult watch. The remainder of the match deserves reappraisal, though. It’s Bret vs. Shawn - it’s going to be good.