10 More Changes We Expect The WWE Network To Make

3. Price Drop

Since its inception, the price point of WWE Network has been what the company has focused their marketing efforts behind. They turned €œ$9.99!€ into a catchphrase, and commisioned a pop-punk song extolling the virtues of the price. Now fans take signs influenced by the price, and happily chant along with Triple H and The Authority as they shill the Network. However, they might consider bring the price down in the near future. WWE have already proven that they€™re not afraid to offer the service at a reduced cost as an incentive to users. In less than a year, there have been two free trial weeks, and now we€™re in the month of November in which WWE are offering the service for free all month to new subscribers. They€™ve also removed the six-month commitment which many potential users found too limiting and intimidating. If Vince and WWE get really desperate with the Network, they could consider a price-drop but it might not be in their best interest. For one, WWE already lost a lot of investors after the NBC Universal debacle, and risk losing more with signs of weakness like this. Plus, they€™ve created a brand out of €œ$9.99!€ and it€™s likely any significant price drop would only be temporary and they€™d risk a backlash if they ever raised it after that.

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