10 Changes That’d Happen If AEW's Tony Khan Bought WWE

1. AEW Could Eventually Vanish?!

Tony Khan WWE AEW Raw

This is huge. Complete fantasy (like everything else here), but huge.

WWE is a much bigger name than AEW. Basically, by owning the WWE brand, Tony Khan would've "won". He started All Elite to carve out a slice of Vince McMahon's marketshare and live out his dream of owning a viable pro wrestling company. Imagine how giddy he'd be if he actually owned the one that inspired him?!

Say Tony becomes WWE owner - would he have any need for AEW long-term? Might that upstart promotion become less of an ongoing concern over the next decade and eventually disappear? Of course, the alternative here is that Khan successfully co-runs both, but few who lived through the aforementioned WCW buyout see that happening.

It's fun to play around with everything on this list, and to picture TK beating WWE by becoming the juggernaut's new king. Then, if that happens, AEW might start to become background noise for the Khan family.

What else do you think might happen if Tony Khan buys WWE? For more wrestling, check out 10 Huge Questions Raised By Stephanie McMahon Quitting WWE and 8 Times Triple H Thought WWE Royal Rumble SUCKED!

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.