10 Changes That’d Happen If AEW's Tony Khan Bought WWE

8. Rampage Would Disappear

Tony Khan WWE AEW Raw

Bye bye, Rampage.

Currently, AEW's 'B' show is struggling to remain relevant as a complement to 'A' show Dynamite. Quality varies weekly, and TK has used the third hour as a means to showcase ROH in recent times. If he had WWE's TV to think about too, then Rampage may well disappear completely.

Let's be honest here; there's no need for the Friday night show if Khan has SmackDown on his agenda. Sure, all of that TV stuff would need to be thrashed out as part of a takeover, but the FOX show is way more valuable and important than Rampage. That's just the way it is, people.

There's already an argument to be made that Khan views Rampage as a necessary evil right now, and that's even without WWE booking to contend with. Again, this is clearly all fantasy-based guesswork, but there's just no way Rampage survives if Tony is in the frame to purchase WWE.

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Tony Khan
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