10 Changes That’d Happen If AEW's Tony Khan Bought WWE

7. ROH Would Become A Tape Library

Tony Khan WWE AEW Raw

Purchasing ROH was a shrewd move from Khan, but it has diluted his own product on Dynamite and Rampage since early-2022. Juggling Ring Of Honor's titles has taken TV minutes away from those who needed them on the AEW side, and that can't continue if WWE enters the frame too.

Could ROH become little more than a tape library archive in the long run?

There'd be no need to run separate ROH pay-per-views any longer. If anything, company footage would probably be swallowed up as part of the current WWE Network service, or as a carrot dangled in front of hardcore fans via some sort of new subscription plan.

The belts would likely vanish from screens too. Some might not like this, but every single WWE strap on offer to Tony would draw more interest from the casual market than the ROH World, Women's, TV, Tag-Team or Six-Man belts could. So, something would have to give.

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Tony Khan
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