10 Christmas Gifts Every WWE Fan Wants

9. Revert Raw To 2 Hours

Similar to Jerry Lawler, Monday Night Raw burst onto the scene in 1993, at once coming across as fresh, dynamic and exciting. Even though the program still featured the same stars and a plethora of short matches, Raw felt entirely new, and helped forever change how WWE presented television. As the program gained momentum, longer, more competitive matches were wheeled out, and wrestling fans were treated to Pay-Per-View quality matches on free TV. It was truly a revolutionary concept, and credit must be given to Vince McMahon for recognising that his previous output, laden with boring squash matches, needed a revamp. In 2012, WWE made the decision to make Monday Night Raw three hours long, a permanent change which hasn't exactly done much for the fans. Sure, there's more wrestling each week, but filling a 180 minute show each week, not to mention making it consistently entertaining, is proving quite the challenge for the writing staff. By reverting back to the old two hour format, WWE could immediately reap the creative benefits. Yes, they'd lose that extra hour of advertising money from the budget, but the promotion would gain more buzz. Two hours is long enough, and the additional hour should only be brought out for one-off specials, such as the Slammy Awards show.

Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.