10 Classic Teams Who Returned To WWE Past Their Prime

6. The Spirit Squad

LOD 2000

Despite being saddled with a male cheerleader gimmick, The Spirit Squad managed to get over strong when they debuted on Raw back in 2006. Annoying and obnoxious, the group were pushed hard as heels, which translated into almost immediate success during their initial run.

Not only were they regularly booked against main event competition, they were also a big part in the DX return angle, even headlining the 2006 edition of Vengeance. The Squad also held the tag team titles for an impressive seven months, beating Kane and Big Show for the honour. All in all, not a bad run.

Sadly, The Spirit Squad came to an unceremonious end when they were literally shipped back off to OVW by DX. The abrupt and undignified departure spelled doom for the group, bringing most of their careers to an end in the process.

As such, their reappearance in 2016 was a surprise to many WWE fans. Brought in as part of the Ziggler/Miz feud, remaining Squad members Kenny and Mikey made their return to the company as Miz's lackeys. All things considered, the guys did a tremendous job in the role. Nevertheless, they were gone just over a month later.

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Occasional wrestler, full-time gym rat and lifelong lover of the grapple game. Would probably buy you a shot of Jack at the bar in exchange for witty banter...and preferably more Jack. @MartynGrant88 for more wrestling-related musings and weight room wisecracks!