10 Confusing Wrestling Moments That Nobody Understands
10. The Heartbreak Kid Tags With God

As everybody knows, Vincent Kennedy McMahon invented sports entertainment and Wrestlemania, created Hulkamania and the Attitude Era, defeated, destroyed and then purchased his biggest rival and beat the US government when they came for him*. What else? Oh yeah - the man beat God in a match at Backlash in 2006.
Embroiled in a feud with Shawn Michaels leading into WrestleMania 22, Mr. McMahon had the unholy hell beaten out of him by Mr. Wrestlemania. You'd think that would have been the end of it, but Jesus no. The very next night on RAW, McMahon informed the born-again HBK that his victory had been an act of God and that, as a consequence, God would be his tag team partner leading into a match at Backlash against Vince and Shane McMahon.
In the weeks leading up to it, McMahon would claim to have started his own religion, the implication being that he was a kind of deity himself. On the night itself, following increasingly bizarre backstage skits in which Vince pretended to have miraculous powers, 'God' was represented in Michaels' corner by the presence of a spotlight. In what was obviously a handicap match, all the people who'd attacked HBK at WrestleMania attacked him again. Without his special WrestleMania powers, the Heartbreak Kid wasn't able to fight them all off.
Eleven or so minutes in, McMahon grabbed a mic and began trashtalking 'God' in Michaels' corner, claiming that Michaels' Maker was abandoning him at ringside and leaving the arena. This was the point that Jim Ross felt compelled to mutter "...this is uncomfortable."
No one knew what to make of it. McMahon clearly thought it was wonderful, getting a win over God Himself but no one else did. Fortunately, Michaels was the one who was pinned, meaning that the stage was set for God to challenge McMahon to a rematch some years later, where McMahon would have to put him over.