10 Most Controversial 'Shoot' Comments From WWE TV

4. Diss The Diva

When most fans think of the WWE Diva Search they roll their eyes. The brainchild of WWE production ace Kevin Dunn, the initial competition in 2004 took up a lot more TV time than it should have and featured many awful segments and competitions. The 'Diss The Diva' segment was not one of these however and was probably the most entertaining moment of the whole contest. WWE essentially gave a live microphone to four of the untrained wannabe divas and told them to shoot on the other competitors. The results were spectacular and caused Sky Sports in the UK to cut the segment from their version of the show. Most of the comments were aimed towards Carmella DeCesare who the rest of the women hated. Joy said that Carmell "talked a lot of s***" and had a "gap so wide you could drive a truck through it" and eventual winner Christy Hemme called her a "c**k sucking gutter s**t." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nf0OcAfZT8M

Student of film. Former professional wrestler. Supporter of Newcastle United. Don't cry for me, I'm already dead...