10 Most Controversial WWE "Wellness Policy" Scandals

8. Umaga

wikiwikiUsually with the Wellness Policy, the WWE have a right to terminate a wrestler's contract after three violations of the policy. But in some cases, they've released wrestlers earlier - just like they did with Umaga. The late Umaga is perhaps best remembered for the way he burst onto the scene with the company. That long undefeated run attracted much attention, and saw him tussle with some of the company's top stars, including John Cena. Umaga already had one strike to his name before June 2009, but his second strike would prove a fatal blow. Why? He refused to enter rehab because of the problem, which gives the company the right to dismiss said wrestler with immediate effect if they choose to. They did, and Umaga was gone. And tragically, his life would be cut short just months later, after he passed away in December that year.
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Freelance sports journalist from Bradford, West Yorkshire. Specialize in primarily Rugby League and Football.