10 Craziest Matches In WWE SummerSlam History

2. Steve Blackman Vs. Shane McMahon - Hardcore Match (2000)

Jeff Hardy SummerSlam 2009

Another entry from SummerSlam 2000 (as if they hadn’t staged enough drama already that year) as we move onto the Hardcore Championship bout between Steve Blackman and Shane McMahon.

This wasn’t necessarily one of the craziest matches from start to finish, although being a hardcore match from the early millennium there were of course plenty of obligatory trash can spots and the like. No, what made this one really stand out was that it happened to feature one of the most insane stunts that has ever been done in WWE history.

With Blackman on a rampage, kendo stick in hand, Shane attempted to flee the scene by ascending the SummerSlam stage. He did a pretty good job of it too but, unfortunately for him, Blackman was equally adept at climbing really tall things. He soon caught up with Super Shane and began dishing out some rasping strikes.

What followed was something that I doubt too many in the Raleigh Entertainment & Sports Arena could have predicted, as Shane relinquished his grip on the girders and plunged dozens of feet to the ground below.

Now, admittedly that ground below was heavily-padded to cushion his fall but, still, it takes a certain type of mentality to be comfortable with such a high-stakes stunt. Clearly Blackman is of a similar disposition as he soon followed Shane down with an elbow drop from just a little further down.

I don’t even care what happened in the rest of the match, because for this spot alone Blackman vs. Shane-O-Mac deserves to be on the list.


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