10 Craziest Spots In WWE Backlash History

2. Randy Orton And The Bed Of Thumbtacks (2004)

Big Show Rey Mysterio Backlash 2003

If you were to map out Randy Orton's career and attempt to pinpoint the exact moment that he became a legitimate star in the eyes of the WWE faithful, the first big dot you'd circle is his match with Mick Foley at Backlash 2004.

Dubbing himself the "Legend Killer," Orton was working his way through the icons still under WWE's purview, including Shawn Michaels and Sgt. Slaughter. It was during this time that he entered into a lengthy feud with the Hardcore Legend.

Their Hardcore match at Backlash remains one of the best the event has ever produced, and was just as bloody, violent, and sadistic as you'd think a Hardcore match with Cactus Jack would be. There were trash cans, there was barbed wire and, oh yes, there were thumbtacks.

In a match brimming with extreme spots - including one which saw Orton go flying off the stage through a table, with Foley diving after and onto him - it was the thumbtacks that helped make the most memorable moment of the night.

After a reversed RKO, Orton's back planted smack dab in the middle of those tacks, and the camera made sure to soak up every painful detail. Orton's face in the immediate aftermath may have honest to God kickstarted the idea of a meme, but it was the closeup of his tack-riddled back that really stands out.


Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.