10 Craziest WWE Bumps Of All Time

7. Jeff Hardy (14 January 2008 - Raw)

Jeff Hardy Swanton Bomb

Jeff Hardy is well-known as one of wrestling's biggest risk-takers. The elder Hardy brother has made a career out of putting his body in harm's way, and one of the most notable bumps he's ever taken was a 30-foot Swanton Bomb.

Yes, this was even more dangerous than Jeff's various dives off the top of ladders or his numerous table-breaking bumps over the years. There's one simple reason for that: he could have overshot the leap and landed on concrete several feet away from the relative safety of WWE's crash mats.

It's a good thing Jeff took an extra second to steady himself before taking the plunge.

Referees and medics were taking no chances despite the padding, and they jumped onto the mats to ask Jeff (and Randy Orton) if they were lucid. As they lay there selling the impact, both men must have been relieved it was over.

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Rey Mysterio
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