10 Craziest WWE Bumps Of All Time

6. Rey Mysterio (Backlash 2003)

Big Show Rey Mysterio Backlash 2003

What do you remember from Backlash 2003? Bill Goldberg's debut WWE match against The Rock? That zippy tag opener between Team Angle and Los Guerreros? How about Big Show squashing Rey Mysterio and returning to swing him against the ring post?

Not only was this reckless, it was the kind of bump WWE would never green light now.

Moments after Rey had been strapped to a stretcher to sell Show's attacks, the giant picked him up and effortlessly whipped him against the steel post outside the ring. There was no way for Mysterio to protect himself either, and he had to do his best to ensure he didn't land face first when both feet unfortunately snagged the ring apron.

That could've resulted in a broken nose, jaw, both or even a fractured neck. It was a striking, almost absurd sight to see one human swing another and then drop him full force onto the ground.

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Rey Mysterio
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