10 Craziest WWE Bumps Of All Time

5. Edge/Mick Foley (WrestleMania 22)

Mick Foley Edge

Well, here he is: the man who has cheated death more than perhaps any other WWE star. Forget Terry Funk, it's Mick Foley who is really middle-aged and crazy. He's also middle-aged and lucky to have all his faculties after bumps like the one at WrestleMania 22.

Any long-time fan of the original ECW will look at the flaming table from 'Mania 22 and tell you that it was fairly well-controlled compared to some of the mayhem Balls Mahoney and pals got up to under Paul Heyman's watch. That said, it was still incredibly perilous.

Foley wasn't alone however, and he wasn't the one who had to tumble face first into the fire.

That was Edge's job on the night. Sure, Mick's back took the brunt of the punishment (after being seared by flames, it crashed through a table and landed on a paper-thin gym mat covering the floor), but Edge was right there with him.

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Rey Mysterio
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