10 Crazy Gimmicks Wrestling's Top Stars Endured

6. Booker T (G.I Bro)

Vince Russo's tenure as the chief writer for WCW will forever be regarded as an absolute disaster. Russo can try to defend his reign all he likes, but the fact of the matter is that he was presenting television that the promotion's core audience didn't want to watch, and people started turning off by the thousand. Slowly, but surely, WCW was going down the pan, and Russo - along with many others - seemed powerless to stop it. Booker T had long been one of the most popular stars in the company, someone fans desperately wanted to see get his chance as WCW World Champion. Thankfully, that was something even Vince Russo recognised, and Booker would live out his dream in July, 2000. Before that, the man's career was very nearly killed stone dead by one terrible idea. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=En3LSkdzTzk Before hitting it big in WCW, Booker had played an army character called G.I Bro on the independent scene, and Russo thought it'd be a brilliant way to launch the man to the top of the wrestling world, by revisiting a gimmick many fans weren't familiar with. Cheerfully, this rebirth only lasted a few months, and Booker was back to being the performer people knew and loved shortly thereafter.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.