10 Crazy Recent WWE Pitches You Won’t Believe

8. Heavy Machinery = “BBQ Guys”

Erick Rowan Doink The Clown

Here's one that Vinnie Mac did like.

Ex-Heavy Machinery man Tucker revealed last summer that he and Otis were all set to turn into the "BBQ Guys" on SmackDown a few years back. McMahon loved the pitch, and he was into the thought of Machinery donning chef's outfits to serve up burgers/hot dogs/ass kickings, but then the blue show's impending move to FOX got in the way.

Vince became too busy to really listen to anything 'Tucky' had to say, and the "BBQ" gimmick was shelved indefinitely. Then, Tucker got released and Otis went on to do other things. It just wasn't to be for WWE's culinary kings.

The original vision for these "BBQ Guys" was to turn them into a modern take on the established APA formula; instead of downing beers and playing cards backstage though, Otis and Tucker would've hosted show-long BBQs with other members of the roster.

WWE will never find out if that had legs.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.