10 Crazy Secrets From The WWE Writers Room
4. Nobody But The McMahons Can Eat
Eating during a hectic work meeting can understandably be frowned upon, but when that meeting lasts the entire day then surely some exceptions can be made - even more so when the boss is sat there chewing on some steak while his employees are forced to go hungry.
According to a couple of WWE writers, that was very much the case during their regular creative meetings with the McMahons.
As one unnamed writer told Power Slam Magazine:
"You did get hungry after three hours, especially when Vince and Stephanie would have their respective assistants [get them] lunch and they would eat in front of us."
Likewise speaking to Power Slam, former writer Dominic Cotter added:
"Vince would always eat in front of us during the meetings. [He had] some sort of beef wrap with ketchup. The meetings usually ran the entire day without food."
Given how Power Slam sadly ceased publication in 2014, things may have changed in the years since these interviews took place. For the sake of the WWE writing team, we can only hope that they're at east able to sneak a bag of crisps or a cheeky biscuit into these meetings by now.