10 Crazy Swerves Wrestlers Pulled To Win Titles

8. The Rock Becomes The Corporate Champion

FTR liucha

Only one year removed from the Montreal Screwjob, Vince McMahon was yet to get over his penchant for betrayal. As the two survivors of a tournament to crown a WWF Champion, The Rock and Mankind main-evented Survivor Series 1998.

McMahon was seemingly behind Mankind, appearing to guide him to the championship. At the height of his 'Mr. McMahon' persona, it's hard to believe anybody fell for his act. Rather than offer up a unique heel swerve, Mankind was screwed over as Bret Hart was in 1997, right down to the use of the Sharpshooter. McMahon called for the bell and 'The Corporate Champion' was crowned.

While it could be argued that the events were lazy booking, it speaks to McMahon's innate ability to p*ss off fans. Although, viewers at the time of broadcast could've been left with the lingering concern that the Screwjob would be an annual event.

Whatever your opinion of the swerve, it helped bolster the careers (and particularly the gimmicks) of The Rock, Mankind, and Vince, along with giving the premier anti-hero Stone Cold Steve Austin something nefarious to truly rally against.

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.