10 Crazy Swerves Wrestlers Pulled To Win Titles

7. The End Of An Era

FTR liucha

Often hailed as one of the best WrestleManias and an all-time great wrestling pay-per-view, WrestleMania X-Seven has a lot to love. Yet, the most evocative moment occurred in the final moments of the broadcast.

The night's main event was a collision of the company's two biggest stars as Stone Cold Steve Austin and The Rock fought for the WWF Championship. The two had a great back and forth that brimmed with chemistry, but when Austin's greatest enemy Vince McMahon walked down the ramp it was clear that treachery would follow. McMahon breaking a pin attempt on Austin piqued fan's curiosity, but it was the passing of a steel chair between Austin and McMahon that set the swerve on course. After beating 'The People's Champion' with the weapon Austin captured the company's top prize.

To cement the heel swerve, Austin not only shook hands with McMahon but the two shared a beer. The conclusion of the Austin-McMahon rivalry is a huge factor in why WrestleMania X-Seven is considered as the end of the Attitude Era. And what a swerve for the craziest period in pro-wrestling to go out on...

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An English Lit. MA Grad trying to validate my student debt by writing literary fiction and alternative non-fiction.