10 Crazy Weird Pro Wrestling Stories You Won't Believe

8. Paul Heyman Admits He's A Pathological Liar

Stop the press, Paul Heyman is a good hustler, and someone who believes that there's a lot to be gained simply by using your mouth. Hardly groundbreaking news, granted, but it's nonetheless been interesting to note that Heyman has at times admitted he enjoys manipulation and twisting the tale in order to get around sticky situations. On one level, that's pretty vindictive, but there's also a more harmless side to the man's personality, one which dictates his innate need to see people do well and realise their dreams. Yes, Paul Heyman is guilty of spinning a yarn so that his ECW roster would go out and kill themselves for next to no money, but he was selling one hell of a story, one that maybe, just maybe could lead to the promised land. Watching Heyman's WWE-produced DVD, 'My Name Is Paul Heyman' provides a pretty stunning journey. It's almost admirable to watch someone be so utterly comfortable with being called a liar, and then hear that same individual justify their actions. Few people in the history of the industry can talk like Heyman, he has the gift of the gab, and an incredible ability to make people buy into what he's saying, even if it's of no personal value to them.
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Psycho Sid
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.