10 Crazy Weird Pro Wrestling Stories You Won't Believe

7. Ultimate Warrior Claims Hulk Hogan Was A Pothead

Talk about a gross understatement, Hulk Hogan and the late Ultimate Warrior did not always see eye-to-eye - so numerous were the reports of both men taking verbal pot shots at one another just a few short years ago, that many top wrestling news sites refrained from reporting on them all after a while, because they simply couldn't keep up. One of the most remarkable jibes came from the mouth of Warrior himself, who claimed that during Hogan's heyday in the late-80's and early-90's, the man would do nothing but sit at his home in Florida, smoke pot and masturbate all day long. Now, obviously this was a remark designed solely to make people think negatively of Hulk, but let's be honest, it probably only endeared him further to many wrestling fans! Hilarity and joking aside, the statement came out of left field, and Hogan retaliated solemnly, saying he was disappointed Warrior would stoop so low as to lie, adding he was surprised at his famous rival's words, because he had invited him into his home on many occasions, even saying Warrior was like an uncle to his children.
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Psycho Sid
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.