10 Crazy WWE Stunts (And How They Did Them)

7. The Inferno Match

Kane Chyna

Since adding flames in post isn't really a viable option, the only way WWE can possibly pull off an Inferno Match is to actually surround the ring with fire and actually have part of the loser's body be set ablaze.

How they go about ensuring nobody really gets hurt is pretty obvious: they use flame retardant clothing, hence it was Kane's sleeved right arm that caught fire in the inaugural bout in 1998 and not his bare one on the opposite side.

But that sounds easier than it really is. Fire is, like, really dangerous, and everyone involved - not least of all those waiting in the back with fire extinguishers - need to be bang on their game to enusre it all goes off without a hitch.

It's so risky that, despite still consistently being featured as a match-type on WWE video games, the company rarely actually brings it out in reality. The last one we saw was almost five years ago at SummerSlam 2013, when Bray Wyatt got the better of Kane (whose record in them is remarkably poor for a man obsessed with fire).
