10 Crazy WWE Stunts (And How They Did Them)

6. Brock And Show Break The Ring

Kane Chyna

If you were under the impression that Brock Lesnar and Big Show breaking the ring with a mammoth top-rope suplex on SmackDown back in 2003 was authentic and unplanned, then we've got some bad news for you.

Show revealed a couple of years ago during an appearance on Talk is Jericho that the spot was actually discussed in advance, with the ring rigged by the WWE production crew to explode the second the duo landed on the canvas.

They accomplished this, so he went on to say, by fitting airbags underneath the apron (and presumably loosening the turnbuckles a little as well), the aim here being to raise the ring just slightly off the ground for a proper holy s**t moment of impact.

This spot has twice been repeated in the 15 years since: once at Vengeance 2011 during a World Heavyweight Title bout between Big Show and Mark Henry, and then again last year on Raw, this time featuring Show and Braun Stowman. The lesson here is that you need at least 700lb of man to make it work.
