10 Crazy WWE Stunts (And How They Did Them)

5. Buried Alive

Kane Chyna

Like the Inferno Match, Buried Alive isn't really used in WWE these days. We haven't seen one since Bragging Rights 2010, where Kane vanquished brother The Undertaker thanks to a timely interference from The Nexus.

Despite this, the company still hasn't yet seen fit to reveal exactly how it manages to keep everyone unharmed. Most fans are convinced it involves the use of a secret compartment, into which the loser escapes just as the dirt is being piled in, which seems plausible.

That would certainly explain why they put a massive mound next to the hole, even in the modern era where most wrestlers favour using the mechanical excavator instead of actually getting their hands dirty with a shovel.

This, however, doesn't quite account for how they managed to pull off that hand rising from the grave cliffhanger at the very first Buried Alive match back at a special In Your House back in September 1996. Perhaps 'Taker is immortal after all.
