10 Crazy WWE Stunts (And How They Did Them)

4. The Undertaker's Lightning Bolt

Kane Chyna

If pulling off the Buried Alive trick demands perfect timing from The Deadman, then the stunts that see him fire lightning bolts out his fingers are almost the opposite. Here, it's all about the production crew being on their game.

The disappointing truth about the time he scared Kurt Angle from atop a horse-drawn carriage at the 2006 Royal Rumble is that, while those of us at home saw electricity beam from his hands, the fans inside the arena merely got a bog-standard pyro effect.

The giveaway here, apart from the fact that attendees have told us as much, is the fact that the money shot is recorded by a static camera to the right of the stage, allowing them to overlay the pay-per-view feed with a special effect.

Given that none of it was actually real, credit must go to Kurt Angle and his remarkable selling ability. He genuinely looked like he had just seen a ghost.
