10 Crazy WWE Stunts (And How They Did Them)

3. Hanging Big Boss Man

Kane Chyna

WrestleMania XV's undercard was mostly forgettable, but it did produce one sight that fans are never going to forget, namely Big Boss Man being hung from the Hell in a Cell structure after losing to The Undertaker.

Anyone who watched the show live would have known that something fishy was going on in this spot's set-up. As 'Taker (ostensibly) applied the noose to Boss Man's neck, the cameras kept cutting to Paul Bearer operating the controller to pull up the cell.

During that time, you would imagine that The Deadman was diligently ensuring that his opponent was safely secured in a harness (to which the rope was really connected), and that the noose was only loosely wrapped around his throat.

Seems obvious, but considering the time constraints the duo were under and the pressure of being watched by thousands of eagle-eyed fans, you have give them props for pulling it off relatively convincingly.
