10 Criminally Under-Rated Wrestlers

2. Kenny Omega

Earlier in this article, it was said that millions of people haven't had the chance to experience Kenny King's awesome in-ring work, and the same could be said for Kenny Omega. Looking like a mix between Curt Hennig and Brian Pillman, Omega has found far more success in the Orient than he ever has in the US. A few years ago, whilst still in great shape, Omega didn't quite have the body WWE would be interested in. Fast-forward to today and that's not a valid excuse for not signing him any longer. Once signed to a WWE developmental deal in 2005, Kenny didn't last long in Deep South Wrestling - the then-developmental group - and asked for his release in 2006. Perhaps Omega wouldn't be interested in a WWE or TNA contract, but more people should be able to watch his incredible skill set.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.