10 Criminally Under-Rated Wrestlers

3. Kofi Kingston

Just what does Kofi Kingston have to do to become a regular main-event player in WWE? In 2009, it seemed the trigger was ready to be pulled, but various reports blamed Randy Orton for Kingston's aborted top line push. Rumoured heat between the pair - related to Orton feeling Kofi messed up crucial parts of their matches together - is often the focal point when folks discuss why the Ghanaian never made it to the main events. Remember his thunderous Boom Drop through a table to Orton at Madison Square Garden? It's one of those classic MSG moments but it has been tainted somewhat by the fact Kingston's career has stalled since. It seems all he's used for nowadays is those crazy moments in the Royal Rumble, where the guy finds some unique way to prevent himself from elimination. Those spots are cool, but it'd be decidedly more cool if Kofi Kingston was handed the ball and told to run. One of the most talented dudes on the roster, Kingston deserves better than he's been getting and it's difficult not to regard him as under-rated. Fans have already seen what he can do, so let him do it.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.