10 Criminally Under-Rated Wrestlers

4. Kenny King

Athletically gifted and with bags of natural charisma, Kenny King is wasted in TNA. There was a time when it seemed the promotion would get it right with him but he's become nothing more than a background figure as part of 'The Beat Down Clan' led by MVP. It's hard to imagine King would receive better treatment in WWE where the stakes are definitely bigger, but at age 33 he isn't getting any younger and it's now or never if he fancies a crack at the big time. Generally speaking, King has all the tools to be an upper-card success in WWE but that's obviously easier to say than it is to put in practice. Time is ticking: will we ever see the true potential of Kenny King? At first glance, when part of All-Night Express tag-team with Rhett Titus in ROH, King looked like somebody who could be a true star in the biggest company around. The fact he's never had the chance to prove himself in WWE - and that there's likely millions of fans who don't even know his name - is a crying shame.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.