10 Criminally Underrated Wresting Matches

2. Sting vs Diamond Dallas Page - WCW Championship (Nitro 1999)

This is arguably one of the greatest championship matches in WCW/NWA's storied history and, at the time, was seen as the best the company had seen since Flair-Steamboat at Spring Stampede 1994. Dallas and The Stinger met on an episode of Nitro in 1999 with Page's world title on the line. Sting was the biggest face in the company while DDP's heel persona was very much over with the World Championship Wrestling crowd. The match proved to be a huge success for WCW, who were getting their rear ends kicked in the ratings war with WWE. The match took place early on the card which meant many WWE fans tuned in to that match, for nostalgia's sake more than anything else, before returning to Vince McMahon's show. This was as textbook a wrestling match as you wish to see with both men looking to be at the peak of their powers despite their age, they didn't miss a beat. It was a break from the woeful programming WCW were churning out at the time as they went back to basics and reaped the rewards, for a segment or two. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xl9443_sting-vs-diamond-dallas-page_sport As ever with WCW however, they shot themselves in the foot and ruined something positive they did as Sting would lose the belt later in the night to Page, making this classic redundant.
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Content Producer

Video & written Content Producer for WhatCulture Wrestling. NCTJ trained journalist. BA Hons, Sports Journalism.