10 Cringe-Worthy Interviews With The Undertaker

5. Settling A Score With High-Flyers – 2003

Rumors of The Undertaker’s retirement aren’t a new thing, and in fact, they have been circling since the early 2000s. During a 2003 interview with The Score, however, Calloway dismissed thoughts of retirement and revealed that he thought he had more time in the square circle, citing his evergreen health and ability to perform.

The host also asked Big Red how he saw himself as a locker room leader, which led to an intriguing discussion about high-flyers. The WWE legend acknowledged high-flyers took pride in their work and “busted their butts” in the ring, but he also slipped in a few remarks about how he felt a lot of the younger talent had no idea what they were doing - although the high-risk maneuvers more than compensated for their lack of in-ring psychology.

If being told by a locker room leader and possible idol that you still do not know how to construct a wrestling match wasn't enough, The Phenom went on to state he worried that the younger performers would wear out their bodies by performing top-rope stunts day in and day out. While ‘Taker didn’t sound as though he took a jab at high-flyers the same way Randy Orton later did during his “dive” tirade, in short, he told high-flyers they would not survive without learning more about in-ring psychology, at least not physically.



Chump the Champ. King of the Ring Rust. Mr. Money Down the Drain.