10 Crucial Steps In Batista's WWE Evolution

2. Turning Heel On Rey Mysterio

2008 and 2009 proved to be piece meal years for Batista. He didn't play a big role in WrestleMania XXIV, facing Umaga. Later in '08, he did win the World Heavyweight Title again, but only held the belt for just over a week, before dropping it back to Chris Jericho. Into '09, he once again took time out for an injury, this time to his leg. A feud with Randy Orton was waiting for him when he returned. It was clear that things were growing stale for Batista in WWE, and something needed to be done to freshen things up. The decision was made to turn him heel in late-2009, meaning he'd be a villain for the first time in years. In order to really sell the gravity of this, Batista was booked to turn on his long-time friend, Rey Mysterio. This was a big moment for the man, who must have been relishing the prospect of playing heel. Now more experienced than he had been during his time in Evolution, Batista was far more accomplished as a heel. He developed a cocky 'rock star' persona, one that made him one of the better bad guys on the roster. For the purpose of a WrestleMania XXVI match against John Cena, he was made WWE Champion at Elimination Chamber in February, 2010. The new guise enabled Batista to do more promos, and he was clearly thriving. Shockingly, he'd make the decision to leave the company just a few months later.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.