10 Crucial Steps In Batista's WWE Evolution

7. Winning The Royal Rumble

2004 was a year of preparation for Batista. Slowly but surely, he was starting to make a name for himself, and even became a World Tag-Team Champion with Ric Flair towards the tail-end of '03. Marching into the new year, there was a renewed sense than a recovered Batista could be something special when he split from the clutches of Evolution. That story was started towards the end of 2004. Suddenly, Batista was less willing to do Triple H's dirty work than he previously had been. He earlier helped double-cross Randy Orton, throwing him out of Evolution, but now started to disregard his 'superior's' commands. This was played out when Batista entered the Royal Rumble, against Triple H's wishes. Batista's own expulsion from Evolution continued, and would parlay into a key feud against none other than Triple H after he won the match. Without doubt, this was one of the most crucial moments in the man's career. If he flopped without the cushion of bigger stars, he would fade away. Winning the Rumble at the expense of John Cena was huge. Despite teething problems when both men tumbled - unscripted - from the ring, Batista later threw his rival over the top rope to achieve the planned finish.
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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.