10 Current Wrestling Heels That Are Impossible To Truly Hate

7. Eddie Kingston


Ever since his debut in July, Eddie Kingston has skyrocketed to the top of the card. The wrestling veteran faced Cody for the TNT Championship and has now entered the main event scene with Jon Moxley. "The War King" is unmatched when it comes to promo ability. He perfectly crafts his motivations and frustrations, then delivers them in an explosion of passion which often leads to him being a sympathetic villain.

"The Mad King" perfectly explained why he hates Moxley. His friend left him, it's as simple as that. This makes Kingston's actions justified, he's just going about them the wrong way. After surrounding himself with his "family", Eddie Kingston has also developed his own heel faction. This faction only adds to the cool factor of "The King of Diamonds" and makes his presence known in every single AEW division.

Kingston can also perform in the ring. He has had both technical encounters with Matt Sydal and bloody ones with Cody. He is a versatile performer who deserves to be AEW World Champion in the near future.

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Horror fanatic, exhausted wrestling fan and die hard Brendan Fraser stan.