10 Current WWE Superstars Who Should Adopt A Legend’s Finishing Move

1. Drew McIntyre – Tombstone Piledriver

Moves Recycled

Used by: The Undertaker

Not many people on the current roster could get away with adopting the Tombstone. Roman arguably has the strongest case but aside from it likely being a nuclear heat magnet, the move just doesn't suit him. A tombstoning McIntyre on the other hand, might just be the perfect fit.

You can just visualise Drew using the Tombstone. Probably because he is a physical specimen of a man who could actually pull of such a devastating move. He also needs it. All this Shane McMahon business has essentially castrated McIntyre while condemning him to the role of lackey. As Shane's reign of terror comes to an end, Drew will be needing a high-profile dose of credibility.

Drew McIntyre vs The Undertaker at SummerSlam becomes less and less likely with each passing day. In fact, the once rumoured match is now almost certainly off the table. No matter though because Undertaker is more of a WrestleMania man anyway. These two can battle it out next April in what ought to be the Deadman's farewell match (again). If WWE are feeling bold, Drew can brutalise the legend in much the same way as he beat Kurt Angle on Raw last year. This would be a huge feather in the Scottish Psychopath's cap and if the match itself isn't enough to get the heel boos, using the tombstone will be.

Give Nakamura the Hell's Gate, give Reigns the Last Ride, give McIntyre the Tombstone and let Undertaker rest in peace.

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