10 Current WWE Wrestlers Stupidly Underutilized 

3. Apollo Crews

Apollo Crews crying

Has there ever been so much wasted potential in a single wrestler?

Apollo Crews is the kind of guy you watch with a look of awe and wonder spread across your face. How in the hell is a man that size doing standing moonsaults without even trying? Crews is by far one of the most talented and fun-to-watch in-ring performers that WWE has to offer. You would never know it if he hadn't wrestled on the indies however, since it's the only place his potential has been properly showcased.

Titus Worldwide has been a sinking ship ever since it left the dock, which is a shame because it honestly does have the ability to be great. Titus lacks credibility while Apollo lacks promo skills, so switching this tag team into a dominant singles star and his mouthpiece / mentor turns both of their most glaring weaknesses into a 'Titus Worldwide' people can get behind.

Of course, you could always just take Apollo away from Titus entirely and let him do his own thing. We want Apollo Crews to shine; Titus is negotiable.


someone remind me to edit this