10 Disastrously Timed WWE Injuries

3. Seth Rollins

Seth Rollins knee injury

Seemingly determined to prove 'The Man' wasn't just an on screen nickname, Seth Rollins worked some of the best matches of his career throughout 2015. Anyone who attended a WWE live event can attest that Rollins didn't phone it in.

That dedication to putting on the best match of the night would wind up costing him big time.

Tearing his ACL, MCL, and meniscus during a Sunset Flip Powerbomb attempt on Kane in Dublin, Ireland during a routine house show match, the then-WWE Champion cut a solemn figure as he conversed with doctors on the ring apron. Within minutes of the injury, Rollins knew he was facing a lengthy spell on the sick list.

At the peak of his powers as WWE Champ, Seth sadly had to come to terms with the prospect of missing WrestleMania and being stripped of his title. That combination of knee injuries has plagued Rollins ever since.


Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.