10 Disturbing WCW Nitro Moments You Totally Don't Remember

6. Vince Russo Corners Miss. Elizabeth (15 May 2000)

Miss Elizabeth Vince Russo
WWE Network

The same goes for this over-booked silliness.

Following a supposed relaunch of WCW in April, Russo became a heavy presence on Nitro and would book himself to win the World Title later that year. Before all that, his character took a bizarre disliking to Miss. Elizabeth and locked her in a steel cage so Madusa could finally "give her the beating she deserved".

On the 15 May episode, Liz stepped into the 'House Of Pain' and was cornered by Russo and Madusa as Chuck Palumbo watched the door. Now there's a sentence nobody wakes up in the morning expecting to write. Thankfully, Lex Luger was on hand to dress up as a technician, drop through a hole in the cage roof and put Madusa in the Torture Rack.

We're not sure what's more disturbing, Russo delighting in watching Miss. Elizabeth squirm or the fact Lex concocted his plan within minutes. Russo had only made the match moments before, and that makes Luger the most resourcefully quick babyface of all time.

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