10 Disturbing WWE Beatdowns That Are Hard To Watch

6. A One-Legged Man In An Ass-Kicking Contest With The Next Big Thing

Remember Zach Gowen? His story was the inspirational tale of a scrawny, one-legged man earning a spot on the WWE roster, only to be turned into something of a sideshow because OF COURSE THAT'S HOW VINCE WOULD USE A ONE-LEGGED WRESTLER. Putting the 100-pound kid in the ring with The Next Big Thing was only going to end poorly, but it would be impossible to find a non-sociopath who could have envisioned it ending this poorly. The match itself is fairly pedestrian, at least when compared to the aftermath. With Gowen's mother watching on from ringside, Lesnar grabs a chair and plants one on Gowen's face. Needlessly disqualified, he starts headbutting the inspiring Gowen's bloody face like he's an actual bull. But the moment that sends this heartless display over the top is when he hoists Gowen into a Fireman's Carry, looks his mother dead in the eyes, smiles, and then launches him (leg-first) into the ring post. His mother screams from ringside as Lesnar beasts out and clobbers him with a chair over and over, before picking him up and tossing him into the ring post again. She eventually climbs over the guardrail to stop the massacre and tend to her battered son. Brock Lesnar is an absolute animal. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WXXNRYJeJoI

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.