10 Disturbing WWE Beatdowns That Are Hard To Watch

5. Undertaker Beats The Hell Out Of David Flair

If you've ever wondered which version of The Undertaker's ever-evolving gimmick is the most inhuman, let us put that debate to rest for you right now. It's not his initial Mortician gimmick. Nope, it's not the Lord of Darkness cult leader thing, either. The Undertaker at his most cold-blooded is, ironically, exemplified not in any of his supernatural gimmicks, but in his post-American Badass heel turn as Big Evil. Big Evil is the one who mercilessly beat David Flair within an inch of his life after Ric Flair refused to accept Undertaker's challenge for a match at WrestleMania. Big Evil is the one who provided the most cringe-worthy beatdown in his decades-long history with the company. Sure, most of the brutality is heightened/hidden with carefully structured camera angles (oh the magic of tape), but goddamn the two of these guys sell each hit so realistically. David's wheezing and coughing throughout it make it sound as if he's actually choking on the blood running down his face, and 'Taker knows how to let each strike linger, giving the audience just enough time between blows to wonder if this was the night WWE would boldly show a brain hemorrhage, up close and personal, on their broadcast. Also - and this is pure speculation - but doesn't it seem like there was an uncomfortable sexual element to the way that all went down in the bathroom stall? Taker's final monologue to the camera could have ended with him telling the camera crew to leave so he could "finish the lesson in private" and it would have made sense thematically. https://youtu.be/0Qoa3tL866g?t=5m10s

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.