10 Disturbing WWE Beatdowns That Are Hard To Watch

4. Triple H & Stone Cold Assault Lita

Before we get into just how brutal this attack was, it should be mentioned that the pairing of Triple H and Stone Cold - dubbed The Two Man Power Trip - was one of the greatest things to come out of Austin's heel turn. Those guys had some incredibly entertaining matches alongside each other, and their match with The Hardy Boyz helped elevate Jeff and Matt to new heights. But their assault on Lita following the match was, quite frankly, supremely disturbing. It's never a joy to watch two men beat up on a woman (even if that woman is typically the most horrible type of person, as you'll see further down the list), and they made damn sure that anyone watching was going to wince their way through it. At the bare minimum. Triple H stomps her like she's a piñata filled with quad-strengthening serum, while Austin lays into her with the most unabashedly brutal series of chair shots to the back that anyone, male or female, has ever taken. But just in case you were able to get through all that without shielding your eyes, they continue dragging her around the ring by her hair and choking her with the ridge of the chair. For some small sense of comfort, you should know that this was actually Lita's idea to help Austin get more heat (since crowds were still universally cheering him after his heel turn). Needless to say, it worked. Almost too well. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NwF5O7uOm18

Jacob is a part-time contributor for WhatCulture, specializing in music, movies, and really, really dumb humor.