10 Dream Opponents For CM Punk In WWE

8. Logan Paul

WWE WrestleMania 40 XL CM Punk Seth Rollins

This is money waiting to pour in.

Critics on social media can say what they want about Logan Paul, but he's taken to this wrestling malarkey like a duck to water. The YouTuber-turned-WWE sensation also commands significant attention from a casual audience everywhere he goes, so it'd be smart business for CM Punk to grab some of those eyeballs.

Honestly, this would be a logical play if WWE fancied turning Punk into some staunch defender of wrestling (and thus a babyface by default in the eyes of most fans). LP would giggle at Punk's prior problems with management, then claim he'd never suffer the same fate because of how much cash he puts in tills.

Paul's natural aptitude for working athletic, impressive matches would lend itself to the style Punk has always enjoyed too. They'd be gold on the mic during promos, and surely wouldn't disappoint come bell time on a major pay-per-view either.

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Lifelong wrestling, video game, music and sports obsessive who has been writing about his passions since childhood.